I am doing private research into an Australian convict named Wilson CORNWALL and thanks to TROVE, I have collected a large amount of information on this funny character as well as his children (see "CORNWALL Wilson 1st" list). The one thing I am missing is a photo!
If there are any people that are connected to his children and may have an unidentified old man in a family wedding photo pre 1900 (when he died) I would be interested in seeing a copy. There is only a slim chance a photo ever existed, but not impossible.
His children were as follows (all born between 1851 and 1868) -
Wilson Henry CORNWALL
John Charles CORNWALL
Susan Elizabeth CORNWALL-JENNINGS (Known as Elizabeth)
James CORNWALL (lived NSW)
Edmund Thomas CORNWALL
Of particular interest would be his third daughters family which includes her son Albert Arthur James JENNINGS. Wilson and his wife Sarah Ann were living with them at the time leading up to their deaths and may have left photos with them.
For More You Can Check:-
Descendants of Wilson CORNWALL Victoria or daughter JENNINGS
- Messages : 10
- Enregistré le : 24 janv. 2018 10:17
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